What Do Drivers Really Think of Cyclists?
There’s ample research out there backing up the safety benefits of streets with protected bikeways and slow car speeds. But what about the critically important yet less tangible factor of individual...
View ArticleHighlighting the Inequity of Access to Good Bicycling Infrastructure in...
A new report from Rails-to-Trails Conservancy spotlights how disadvantaged neighborhoods in Milwaukee have less access to safe bicycle routes than other parts of the city. Neighborhoods with high...
View ArticleWhat’s Keeping People From Using Bike-Share? New Study Breaks It Down by Race...
Low-income communities and people of color view traffic risk, high prices, and the potential for crime and harassment are the biggest barriers to bicycling and using bike-share in their neighborhoods,...
View ArticleHonolulu City Council Wants Tighter Distraction Rules for Pedestrians Than...
Finally, someone in power is scapegoating pedestrians. On Friday, the Honolulu City Council passed a bill that would ban people from looking at cell phones and other electronic devices while crossing...
View ArticleWhy Are Florida’s Streets So Deadly for Cycling?
Florida has a well-earned reputation as a dangerous place to bike. In 2014, 139 bicyclists lost their lives on Florida roads. They accounted for 20 percent of total cyclist fatalities in the U.S. that...
View ArticleSelf-Driving Cars Should Accommodate People, Not the Other Way Around
A segment that aired yesterday on NPR’s Morning Edition comes off as posing a reasonable solution to the technical challenges of making self-driving cars safe around cyclists. But beneath the...
View ArticleNTSB: Speed Kills, and We’re Not Doing Enough to Stop It
More than 112,500 people lost their lives in speed-related crashes from 2005 to 2014, accounting for 31 percent of all traffic deaths in America over that period. In a draft report released earlier...
View ArticleCongress and Auto Industry Move to Ban Cities From Regulating Self-Driving Cars
Automakers and tech companies are pushing a bill through Congress that would handcuff local governments’ ability to regulate self-driving vehicles on city streets. Now city transportation officials are...
View ArticleThis “War on Cars” Video Will Defend America From Transit-Riding Infidels
If you’ve ever wondered what the anti-Streetfilm would look like, wonder no more. Prager University (“[we are] not a university and we do not offer degrees”) is a non-profit founded by conservative...
View ArticleThe “Outer Beltway” Is DC’s Zombie Highway Project That Won’t Stay Dead
Thanks to road boosters in the suburbs of Washington, DC, another highway bridge across the Potomac River — part of an old plan for a second beltway around the nation’s capital — is still officially a...
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